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South Central 
Behavioral Health Board

Improving care for Idahoans affected by behavioral health issues.

News and Announcements

The 2024 grant cycle is now closed. During this cycle, the Behavioral Health Board was able to award over $59,000 to local non-profit organizations  to provide resources for mental health and substance use  in the district. 

Grant recipient reports are due quarterly (January, April, July, and October) and can be emailed to

Apply to be a South Central Behavioral Health Board Member!


South Central Regional Behavioral Health Board has open positions. 

Download the application below to apply. View the Board Member list to see which positions are available.

What is Behavioral Health?

Behavioral health is the connection between the health of your body and mind. This board mostly focuses on the impact of physical and mental struggles on your overall wellbeing.


Local Resources

Find other local programs and resources for Idahoans affected by mental health and substance use.

Design of the Idaho Behavioral Health Plan

The Legislature and the Department of Health and Welfare have successfully addressed concerns about the over-reliance on psychosocial rehabilitation. The department now needs to make significant improvements to mental health program planning before taking its next steps.

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